Sacred Gong Bath
Coming back very soon
22b Sun street
Waltham Abbey
Essex EN9 1EE
Your place to discover a relaxed and still mind
What is Gong Bath?
A gong bath is a form of sound therapy.
The gong is played in a therapeutic way to bring you total relaxation.
You lay fully clothed with the warmth of your blanket and rest assured there is no water involved.
Your mind, body & soul will be bathed in the sound and vibration of the sacred gong which will take you to a beautiful relaxed state which really is something to be experienced. Other sacred sounds will also be included in the session such as Crystal bowls and solfeggio frequencies, which help in many different ways your mind, body & soul.
(please read below for more information on Solfeggio frequencies)
Yoga mats will be provided but you are welcome to bring your own for extra comfort.
Please bring your own blankets and pillows.
Only 10 places available so your place would need to be booked and paid for in advanced to secure your place.
Paypal details can be sent to you for your convenience or you can pay in the shop.
Please note the amount is non refundable if you are unable to attend it would only be reimbursed if the host had to cancel
Please feel free to join the Facebook group called Violet Flame Therapies sacred gong bath
to keep up to date on all gong sessions.
Look forward to seeing you very soon.
If your unable to make Thursday evenings you can always book a one to one session which would be £50

What are Solfeggio Frequencies
What are Solfeggio Frequencies
The Nine Solfeggio Frequencies used in the gong bath
1. 174 Hz – Pain Relief
This is the lowest of the solfeggio frequencies. Under the influence of this frequency, you will enjoy a number of benefits. These include:
– Pain relief
– A sense of safety and security
– Feelings of love
2. 285 Hz – Healing of Damaged Tissue
This special frequency is said to have a connection to the body, soul, and mind in a way that promotes better physical health and wellbeing. The frequency has restorative capabilities, which is why it is linked to benefits such as:
– Treatment of cuts, wounds, and burns
– Restoration of cells to their original form
– Improving your energy levels
3. 396 Hz – Liberating Guilt and Fear
A lot of people struggle with guilt at one point or another. Unfortunately, guilt can hinder self-actualization, and stand in the way of you achieving your dreams. The advantages of this frequency include the following.
– The ability to break down any walls you have built around yourself that are hindering personal growth
– Making you less fearful so that you can go after your dreams without fear
– Helping you think with sobriety so that you have a better grasp of reality
4. 417 Hz – Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change
If you have strayed from the right path, you should use this frequency to get things back on track. This frequency is believe to have the ability to help you remedy any departure you might have from God. With this frequency, you can erase the things that have made you set along the wrong path. Therefore, if you have gotten yourself into a situation that gets you further away from the right path in life, this frequency can change that.
Therefore, its benefits include the following.
– Cleansing traumatic experiences
– Improving the working of the DNA
– Energizing the cells in the body
– Very effective as meditation music
– Enhancing creativity
– Getting rid of any mentalities that can limit your capabilities
5. 528 Hz – Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
For better health and wellbeing, the DNA needs to be in a perfect state. The manner in which this happens is nothing short of miraculous, which is why this frequency is linked to the occurrence of miracles. DNA repair is very important, as it is linked to a number of benefits. These are:
– More energy
– Enhanced creativity
– Spiritual enlightenment
– Improved inner peace
– Better awareness
– Mental clarity
6. 639 Hz – Connecting/Relationships
This frequency nurtures connections. It is especially good at helping create good relationships, which is why it can be used to address issues between families and partners. So, if your social life is having some difficulties, this might be the frequency that could finally get things working normally again. The frequency promotes this by making cells communicate with the environment, which promotes positive feelings that make relationships flourish. Its upsides include the following:
– Promotion of feelings of tolerance
– Enhanced feelings of love between people
– The music brings to life the law of attraction to make personal connections easier and more successful
– Better understanding and communication between people
– Can be used to connect to spiritual worlds
7. 741 Hz – Awakening Intuition
This frequency promotes healthier living. Under the influence of this frequency, your cells can be cleaned of any toxins. Advantages of this frequency include:
– Making healthier diet choices involving foods free from toxins
– Cleaning the cells of any electromagnetic contaminations
– A purer spiritual live
– Ridding the cells of infections caused by virus, bacteria or fungi
8. 852 Hz – Returning to Spiritual Order
This frequency is believed to have the power to awaken your inner self and promote self-actualization. Anyone wallowing in the downsides of chronic over-thinking, hence fogging their minds and hindering a spiritual connection can use this magical frequency to clear their minds and re-establish a spiritual connection. Related benefits of this Solfeggio frequency include the following.
– A stronger connection to a higher self
– A spiritual connection to spirit guides and helpers
9. 963 Hz – Return to Oneness
In any original state, a system is one. There is full and effective connection between light and spirit. This solfeggio frequency does just that so that you can experience oneness in all its glory.