Soul Plan Reading
Your place to find your Soul's Purpose

Kelly Knox
For as long I can remember, I have always been fascinated with spirit.
I clearly knew my soul chose to incarnate into this body at this time in history, for a reason.
This is why growing up I never felt ‘disabled’. My physical body is missing a bit, but my soul is complete, whole, all powerful and limitless.
As a little girl, dolls and Princess dresses did not interest me. I wanted to know about the Planets, astrology, angels, the elemental kingdom and the afterlife.
I have clear memories of lying on my bed, looking up at the ceiling and seeing swirls of energy dancing above and around me.
I have always felt Earth is not my home.
Like I belong in another galaxy far-away.
Through my own Soul Plan, so much became crystal clear – my thoughts, feelings, passion, life challenges, strengths, beauty and abilities were written in the stars.
My Soul Plan indicates an ‘alien soul, a starseed’ – confirmation of my origin, gave me a sense of comfort.
We all have our own unique purpose in this lifetime; Soul Plan reconnects you, creates healing, illuminates your path, highlights your natural born talents, discovers your greatest strengths, empowers
and helps to understand / overcome your experiences, feelings and struggles.
Your destiny is written in your name.
Even before I was conceived, my dad knew he wanted a girl named Kelly - no middle name.
My dad was a larger than life character. Being born a boy in Poplar East London in 1947, you had to be tough.
He was a special, greatly misunderstood soul, too sensitive for his environment and Earth itself.
My dad became East London’s boxing champion in his teens - that’s what working class boys of the East End did back then.
He lived his teen years and early twenties in the Sixties.
My dad loved the music, freedom and partying.
Sadly, the party never stopped for my dad. He was addicted to alcohol and the complications of being an addict took his life in December 2013.
Both my dad and I have the same Soul Destiny number (we are from the same Soul Group); this number appears three times in both our charts.
Our connection was deeper than blood.
This is why, despite his demons - I always saw him, the real him, not surface level, but soul deep.
After analysing my dad’s chart (unfortunately this was after his death), I felt his discomfort and fight with his earthly life. It allowed me to see into his soul and understand his ways, choices, shadows but also his light, compassion, kindness, sensitivity and beauty - which helped me to heal.
My dad was to be named John right up until the day my grandparents registered his birth. He did not look anything like a John. If John was his name, his soul plan, his destiny would have been completely different. Maybe I wouldn’t even be here.
This is how magical Soul Plan is.
An ancient system of life purpose analysis, rooted in ancient Hebrew Gematria, otherwise Hebrew Numerology -
based on the sound vibration of your birth name.
Are you ready to awaken to your soul plan?


Soul Plan Reading
A soul plan reading is an activation, a deep dive into your worldly and spiritual challenges, talents, goals and soul destiny - based on the sound vibration of your name assigned to you at birth.
Your unique spirit blue print discovery will awaken your unconscious and conscious self - an integration of shadow and light, discovering your life purpose, gifts, what your challenges are and how to overcome them in order to reach your goals and fulfil your ultimate soul destiny.
Soul Plan is ancient system of life purpose analysis, rooted in ancient Hebrew Gematria - otherwise Hebrew Numerology, taking you back to your true self, your core essence, aligning you with the divine spirit you came to Earth to be.
Are you ready?
Upon booking, Kelly will require your full birth name - exactly how it appears on your birth certificate.
With this information, Kelly will create a Star of Creation - six points, worldly challenges, spiritual challenges, worldly goals, spiritual goals, worldly talents, spiritual talents and the seventh being your soul destiny, in the middle.
She will prepare your chart, channel information from spirit and interpretation of numbers, ready for your reading.
At the end of the reading you will receive 15 mins of Angelic Reiki. The perfect way to end a life changing moment.

Includes 15 mins of Angelic Reiki and you will receive your soul plan electronically.
Special introductory
offer for January 2025